Pharmaceutical, Biotechnologies and Medical Devices

Drive Revenue and Margin Growth through Service Transformation in the Cloud. Bundle product and service offferings and improve performance of service level agreements. Expand and automate service delivery capabilities. Transform service operations into customer-centric profit centers.

Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices Manufacturing

You are challenged to unveil breakthrough innovations while facing rising costs and complying with complex product regulations. Flow Manufacturing is a basic model-based process control system methodology specifically for equipment control in a batch or continuous process control manufacturing. Based on best practices and over 15 years of experience, ERTechnologies has designed the Flow Manufacturing process to be one common application for controlling any process cell. The model provides an extreme level of both consistency and flexibility for equipment control throughout the process. The consistent model optimizes your process control system for top performance and quality, which lowers production costs and increases equipment availability.


Features and Benefits of Process Flow Manufacturing

With profound innovations, regulatory fluctuations, fierce competition, and a changing healthcare landscape, few industries have seen such disruption as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Now is the time to strengthen your product development processes with disciplined best practices to achieve competitive differentiation and profitability.
Unit panel turns operators into focused process managers with flexible live tiles for each unit equipment

  • Alert navigator draws operator attention to any unit held from processing for any reason
  • Unit logs track operator actions and augment the electronic batch record
  • Fast and easy configuration, in lieu of programming, delivers radically shorter schedules and
    extreme agility to implement new products
  • Model backup is accomplished using standard SQL tools
  • Applications for Batch Management and Material Management
  • S88 Batch and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance

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Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices

PLM for the Pharmaceutical Industry

PLM for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Drive Excellence from Lab to Launch Centralize product data to speed time to market, lower costs, and ensure quality standards Respond quickly to demand with lean, global, and secure development and supply networks Improve product control, capability, quality, and integrity to meet customer requirements Scale to support rapid growth Modernize your application landscape with an comprehensive, integrated system
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Manufacturing Execution

Ensure manufacturing consistency throughout the production cycle with intensive, multifaceted shop floor execution capabilities.
Maximize production flexibility and gain visibility from the shop floor to the board room
Improve process execution with clear and detailed formulation definitions
Increase plant efficiencies with integrated planning and inventory management
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Cost Optimization

Determine true product costs with detailed cost tracking features combined with flexible analytical tools.Increase profits by capturing precise product costs and monitoring actual product costs Optimize margins with multiple cost methods and improve inventory valuation Conduct detailed cost analyses for current and historical purchased material costs, applied resource costs, and batch costs.
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Product Commercialization

Manage the entire product lifecycle-from inception to production-with improved efficiency. Assure compliance with rule-based S88 compliant recipe development, approval, and usage Optimize formulas and batch based on quality characteristics and cost Quickly visualize changes with a graphical recipe designer
Enterprise Quality Management

Enterprise Quality Management

Achieve product standardization while streamlining quality lab productivity to ensure regulatory compliance. Achieve product consistency with quality controlled batch processing holds and incoming ingredient inspections
Improve laboratory productivity with detailed sample tracking and analysis
Comply with customer requirements for specific documentation
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Planning and Scheduling

Master the complexities of multisite planning. Adjust schedules to maximize resources while enabling individual plants to respond quickly to customer demands Create accurate schedules across all levels of the organization Maximize planning efficiency with customizable views of supply and demand Create flexible buckets for material activity analysis and evaluate the effect of schedule changes

The Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

The Oracle Manufacturing Cloud is a single unified platform that helps you manage your manufacturing operations with unmatched agility and superior performance. Oracle delivers a competitive edge to your business through its built-in broad and deep set of functionalities

Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Accounting and Financials

Keep your accounting and finance system in sync with accurate, real-time data
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Customer and Sales

Improve your customer service and save time and effort
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Enterprise Management

Expand your business with enhanced controls and real-time data access
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Human Capital

Treat your employees right and increase job satisfaction
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Inventory Management

Improve inventory accuracy and optimize material availability
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Planning and Scheduling

Plan for an optimized capacity utilization of your shop floor resources
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Products and Programs

Track all program activities to ensure compliance and timely reporting
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Production Management

Keep your plant efficient and productive with a central production hub
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Quality Management

Improve product quality and comply with specifications
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

Suppliers and Purchasing

Keep suppliers informed and involved through improved collaboration
Flow Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Medical Devices

SaaS Platform

Use these essential functions to get the most from your ERP system

Why should you choose Oracle Cloud

Discover more about the cloud ERP benefits Oracle offers

ERP Software Solutions

    • An ERP wheel on a white backgroundManufacturing ERP Software is not all the same. Historical ERP software solutions involve painful implementation projects followed by challenging periodical updates – often forcing companies to go years without updating their ERP system. Meanwhile these same companies lose value day after day as new features and functions elude them, only implemented with the next painful ‘big bang’ upgrade.
    • Modern Manufacturing ERP Software from Oracle takes a different approach. No more waiting. No more upgrades. New features are added as you go, shared instantly with all Oracle cloud customers. These customers not only realize renewed value instantly, but share best practices real time with other peer customers, all of which have access to exactly the same features, functions and capabilities enabled by a true single ERP software code SaaS cloud offering.

People with different corporate tasks

  • ERP software solutions should truly be just that, solutions. Manufacturers are often tempted by ERP software vendors touting strong financial accounting and even retail ERP software solutions and systems. None of these however do the one thing they need particularly well – manufacturing.
  • With ERTechnologies Oracle is different, offering the only ERP software solution built from the ground up in the cloud and focused exclusively on manufacturing. At ERTechnologies we know manufacturing isn’t just part of our business, manufacturing is the business, The Oracle ERP manufacturing cloud software solution is purpose built to fit your manufacturing purpose needs, evolvingwith you while adding value daily.
  • Manufacturing ERP Software is not all the same. Oracle can help you be different. Find out How.

ERP Systems


  • Manufacturers have moved beyond the need for non-integrated point solutions to solve their challenges they require a true ERP system. Beyond individual bolt-on-products, an ERP system enables connectivity between companies and their suppliers all the time.
  • An ERP system must fit the business needs of a given company, while offering a broad array of capabilities designed for that business. With an eye toward the future, the right ERP system enables connectivity between companies, their customersand their suppliers.

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Manufacturing Agility through MES Excellence

Achieve manufacturing agility through strong links from the shop floor and ERP.

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How Analytics, Dashboards and Intelligence are Transforming Manufacturing

Analytics and Dashboards are useful tools for manufacturers especially when they are role based for the users.

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Gaining Operation Control with Lean Manufacturing

Many manufacturing Leaders struggle to make their Supply Chain Efficient however fall short of Lean, Mean or Somewhere in between.

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Managing Medical Device Quality Issues within a Complex Supply Chain

An in-depth look at supplier management, quality, and warning signs to prevent problems.

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