Precision Metal-Fabrication Manufacturing

Increase your productivity while reducing your cost of quality (CoQ) with the precision metal-fabrication from Oracle by maintaining tight control over inventory, equipment, schedules and costs.

Features & Benefits of Manufacturing for Metalforming & Fabrication

See what’s happening in every part of your business — from the shop floor to the top floor –with the Oracle Manufacturing Cloud for precision metalforming manufacturers. The plant floor is the heart of your business and plant floor data is at the heart of our solution. Real-time data is captured by integral MES functionality and integrated into the complete suite of

ERP applications, Business Intelligence and collaboration tools. Run your manufacturing business more profitably with un-matched visibility and traceability to support efficient operations, increased throughput, compliance and cost control.

Full Traceability

  • Gain full traceability of materials used in each step of the metalforming and fabrication manufacturing process to better manage your inventory investment.
  • Connect all the way to the shop floor with connectivity to equipment, industrial automation,
    and sensors.
  • Keep a full history of inventory, heats, production activities, test results and more.

Predictive Maintenance

  • Keep equipment operating efficiently for increased Equipment Asset Management effectiveness.
  • Avoid unplanned downtime with predictive and preventive maintenance.
  • Keep equipment uptime high and unexpected failures low with performance-based maintenance scheduling.

Financial Controls

  • Fully integrated accounting functions with automatic journal entries can be supplemented with multi-entity functionality for consolidation of cross-company activities.
  • Keep close tabs on all entities within the enterprise and provide senior management with detailed and consolidated information they need to make informed management decisions.
  • Replace your disparate point solutions with a fully-integrated solution that can run your entire manufacturing business.

The Oracle Manufacturing Cloud makes it possible to view all parts of your business for better management decision-making. Metalforming specific functions like production scheduling, serialized inventory and tooling management give you the broad and deep functionality you need for success. Oracle ERP software is the right functional fit for your metal forming business today and as you grow in the future.

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Precision Metal-Fabrication

Features & Benefits of Manufacturing for Metalforming & Fabrication

Full Traceability

Gain full traceability of materials used in each step of the metal-fabrication manufacturing process to better manage your inventory investment. Connect all the way to the shop floor with connectivity to equipment, industrial automation, and sensors. Keep a full history of inventory, heats, production activities, test results and more.
Features & Benefits of Manufacturing for Metalforming & Fabrication

Predictive Maintenance

Keep equipment operating efficiently for increased effectiveness. Avoid unplanned downtime with predictive and preventive maintenance. Keep equipment uptime high and unexpected failures low with performance-based maintenance scheduling.
Features & Benefits of Manufacturing for Metalforming & Fabrication

Financial Control

Fully integrated accounting functions with automatic journal entries can be supplemented with multi-entity functionality for consolidation of cross-company activities. Keep close tabs on all entities within the enterprise and provide senior management with detailed and consolidated information they need to make informed management decisions. Replace your disparate point solutions with a fully-integrated solution that can run your entire manufacturing business.
Features & Benefits of Manufacturing for Metalforming & Fabrication

Production Control

The Oracle Manufacturing Cloud makes it possible to view all parts of your business for better management decision-making. Metal-fabrication specific functions like production scheduling, serialized inventory and tooling management give you the broad and deep functionality you need for success. Oracle ERP software is the right functional fit for your metal fabrication business today and as you grow in the future.

The Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

The Oracle Manufacturing Cloud is a single unified platform that helps you manage your manufacturing operations with unmatched agility and superior performance. Oracle delivers a competitive edge to your business through its built-in broad and deep set of functionalities

Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Accounting and Financials

Keep your accounting and finance system in sync with accurate, real-time data
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Customer and Sales

Improve your customer service and save time and effort
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Enterprise Management

Expand your business with enhanced controls and real-time data access
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Human Capital

Treat your employees right and increase job satisfaction
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Inventory Management

Improve inventory accuracy and optimize material availability
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Planning and Scheduling

Plan for an optimized capacity utilization of your shop floor resources
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Products and Programs

Track all program activities to ensure compliance and timely reporting
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Production Management

Keep your plant efficient and productive with a central production hub
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Quality Management

Improve product quality and comply with specifications
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Suppliers and Purchasing

Keep suppliers informed and involved through improved collaboration
Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

SaaS Platform

Use these essential functions to get the most from your ERP system

Why should you choose Oracle Cloud

Discover more about the cloud ERP benefits Oracle offers

ERP Software Solutions

    • An ERP wheel on a white backgroundManufacturing ERP Software is not all the same. Historical ERP software solutions involve painful implementation projects followed by challenging periodical updates – often forcing companies to go years without updating their ERP system. Meanwhile these same companies lose value day after day as new features and functions elude them, only implemented with the next painful ‘big bang’ upgrade.
    • Modern Manufacturing ERP Software from Oracle takes a different approach. No more waiting. No more upgrades. New features are added as you go, shared instantly with all Oracle cloud customers. These customers not only realize renewed value instantly, but share best practices real time with other peer customers, all of which have access to exactly the same features, functions and capabilities enabled by a true single ERP software code SaaS cloud offering.

People with different corporate tasks

  • ERP software solutions should truly be just that, solutions. Manufacturers are often tempted by ERP software vendors touting strong financial accounting and even retail ERP software solutions and systems. None of these however do the one thing they need particularly well – manufacturing.
  • With ERTechnologies Oracle is different, offering the only ERP software solution built from the ground up in the cloud and focused exclusively on manufacturing. At ERTechnologies we know manufacturing isn’t just part of our business, manufacturing is the business, The Oracle ERP manufacturing cloud software solution is purpose built to fit your manufacturing purpose needs, evolvingwith you while adding value daily.
  • Manufacturing ERP Software is not all the same. Oracle can help you be different. Find out How.

ERP Systems


  • Manufacturers have moved beyond the need for non-integrated point solutions to solve their challenges they require a true ERP system. Beyond individual bolt-on-products, an ERP system enables connectivity between companies and their suppliers all the time.
  • An ERP system must fit the business needs of a given company, while offering a broad array of capabilities designed for that business. With an eye toward the future, the right ERP system enables connectivity between companies, their customersand their suppliers.

White Paper

Manufacturing Agility through MES Excellence

Achieve manufacturing agility through strong links from the shop floor and ERP.

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White Paper

ERP Selection and Implementation Tips

Get tips for selecting the right ERP system for your industry, techniques for managing change, pointers for best practice adoption, embracing modern technology, and more.

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White Paper

(EAM) Enterprise Asset Management for Process Improvement

Find out how to monitor and improve processes with Enterprise Asset Management for equipment effectiveness.

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White Paper

Manufacturing Agility through MES Excellence

Achieve manufacturing agility through strong links from the shop floor and ERP.

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